How to Make Alkaline PH 9.5 Water | Velara Global Water Enrichment System | Work From Home | Home Business | Super Cellular Hydration, Detoxify and Neutralize Acidity, Powerful Anti-inflammatory, Restores Normal Alkalinity (Makes alkalinity pH 9.5 Changes Waters Acid PH to Alkaline) Incredible Antioxidant Source, Produces High Negative ORP (Produces Negative Oxidation-Reductions Potential ORP) NO Electricity, and No Plumbing Needed. More Information >>>(909)<<<627-<6931
Ways to Make Alkaline PH 9.5 Water, Velara Global Water Enrichment System, Work From Residence, Home based business.
Super Cellular Hydration, Detoxify and Neutralize Level of acidity, Powerful Anti-inflammatory, Restores Normal Alkalinity (Makes alkalinity pH 9.5 Changes Seas Acid PH to Alkaline) Incredible Anti-oxidant Source, Produces High Adverse ORP (Produces Adverse Oxidation-Reductions Potential ORP) NO Electricity, and No Plumbing system Required.
hay enfermedades, incluyendo el cáncer, puede existir en un ambiente
alcalino" Dr. Otto Warburg, 1931 Premio Nobel por descubrir la causa del
"Es bien sabido que muchos resultados de enfermedades crónicas en el exceso de acidez del cuerpo (acidosis metabólica). También
sabemos que el cuerpo tiende a ser más ácido a los hábitos dietéticos y
estilos de vida modernos y el propio proceso de envejecimiento. Al beber ORP negativo del agua alcalina
, a combatir la acidosis metabólica y mejorar la absorción de
nutrientes "Ray Kurzweil, autor, Fantastic Voyage: vivir lo suficiente
para vivir para siempre.
"Libera agua alcalina el cuerpo de los residuos de ácido. Después
de una cuidadosa evaluación de los resultados de mi consejo a cientos
de personas, estoy convencido de que la toxicidad en forma de desechos
ácidos es la causa primaria de la enfermedad degenerativa "Sherry
Rogers, MD Autor, desintoxicar o morir.
agua alcalina es una gran manera de neutralizar y eliminar todas las
toxinas y ácidos que drenan de los tejidos y fluidos corporales, y para
rehidratar rápidamente el cuerpo y mantener la sangre alcalina" Daniel
Reid, autor, El Tao de la desintoxicación.
Análisis de aguas
Los problemas con las aguas de uso común
El agua del grifo
El agua del grifo es una opción más saludable que los refrescos. Pero
de acuerdo con el Grupo de Trabajo Ambiental, se han producido 315
contaminantes encontrados en el agua del grifo de Estados Unidos desde
2004, y más de la mitad de estos contaminantes son totalmente regulada y
pueden existir legalmente en cualquier cantidad.
los niveles actuales de contaminación, el público está empezando a
cuestionar la calidad del agua del grifo y se pregunta si es lo
suficientemente segura para beber. Con base en estos hechos, no es de extrañar que la demanda de Velaqua está aumentando constantemente.
Agua embotellada
El agua embotellada no es necesariamente más saludable que el agua del grifo y sin embargo, cuesta mucho más! Aunque asociado con el agua sana, agua embotellada no se garantiza que sea más saludable que el agua del grifo. A menudo, la única diferencia es que los minerales añadidos que no tienen beneficios para la salud.
estudio de cuatro años por el Consejo de Defensa de Recursos Naturales
muestra que 1/3 del agua embotellada examinado contenía niveles de
contaminación que exceden los límites permitidos. El agua embotellada también puede ser ligeramente ácido, lo cual puede afectar el equilibrio del pH de su cuerpo. Por último, el impacto ambiental causado por la producción y venta de botellas de plástico es dañino para nuestro ecosistema.
Agua de ósmosis inversa
ósmosis inversa es un proceso de filtrado que puede ser eficaz en las
zonas que no reciben agua tratada por el municipio y se utiliza
comúnmente en las instalaciones de agua embotellada. El
problema con este proceso es que los productos químicos peligrosos como
pesticidas, herbicidas, y el cloro son molecularmente más pequeño que el
agua y pueden pasar libremente a través del filtro. La ósmosis inversa elimina saludables, minerales naturales del agua. Estos minerales no sólo proporcionan un buen sabor, sino que también cumplen una función vital en el sistema del cuerpo. Cuando se despojó de estos minerales, el agua puede ser perjudicial. También, 2-3 galones de agua se pierden por cada galón de agua purificada producida.
El Problema
En los EE.UU.:
• Más de 900.000 enfermedades causadas cada año por beber agua contaminada, lo que resulta en 900 muertes por año .
En los países del Tercer Mundo:
• Cuatro millones de niños y 21 segundos muere un niño, y 25.000 personas mueren cada día a causa de enfermedades relacionadas con el agua
Todos los días:
• La mitad de la población humana está enferma . El ochenta por ciento de esta enfermedad es causada por el agua potable contaminada
Problemas de agua potable
Todas las compañías de agua embotellada de agua de recolección de
tierra de la fuente extremadamente limitada y, en muchos casos, el agua
está llena de contaminantes y contaminantes dañinos.
El costo del agua embotellada, ya sea entregado a los hogares /
oficinas o comprados en tiendas de abarrotes, se ha incrementado hasta
el punto de que son más caros que los refrescos.
• A menudo, el agua embotellada proviene una fuente de tierra que se ha utilizado y reciclado muchas veces.
• En unos pocos años, el suministro de agua subterránea, de la que toda el agua dulce se obtiene actualmente de, se acabará! No habrá más oferta para la agricultura, la industria y el consumo.
vez se preguntó por qué el agua de un manantial de montaña, ríos o
lagos a menudo tiene un sabor dulce, crujiente y delicioso?
En Velara, la naturaleza y la tecnología se unen como creamos el agua
potable pura y saludable mediante el proceso de filtración de agua
brillante de la Madre Naturaleza.
manera de la madre naturaleza para purificar agua con la lluvia o la nieve que cae en la tierra es largo y tedioso. Cuando
la lluvia o la nieve cae al suelo, se filtra y se escurre a lo largo de
las capas de la tierra de rocas naturales y el suelo. Después
se filtra lentamente y se infunde con dosis equilibradas de salud
mejoran minerales y en algunos lugares, el agua incluso tiene
propiedades alcalinas.
Cuando esta agua resurge en un manantial de la montaña, el río o el
lago, que se encuentra a menudo con sabor fresco, crujiente y delicioso .
Explicando Frecuencia y Vibraciones
Este es el concepto básico que subyace al sistema de enriquecimiento del agua Velaqua.
– Alkaline Water Filtration System - Velara Global
The Amazing Velaqua, Alkaline Water
Filtration System. We also ship Nationwide. Our goal is to educate everyone
about the benefits of Alkaline water and to provide these units to as many
people as we can so that everyone can enjoy fresh, healthy, natural drinking
water without spending a small fortune.
Velaqua is our revolutionary
portable water enrichment system that duplicates nature’s water purification
and filtration process using gravity instead of electricity, chemicals or other
artificial methods.
Nature once provided us with clean
water from flowing sources such as rivers, springs, rushing brooks and streams.
Today, water and air pollutants have contaminated our Earth’s water beyond our
ability to cleanse it. More than 80,000 chemicals are registered for use in the
U.S., with 2,000 being added annually, many will find their way into our water
The government regulates only 91
contaminants. That leave 79,909 unaccounted for… and that my friends are a
SCARY thought!
Normal tap water is considered to be drinkable, until one realizes the
chemicals that have been added to it. Furthermore, when you check it you find
that tap water leaving the water purification plants, quickly becomes acidic,
registering as low as 5.8 on the pH scale. This is dangerous!
A human body needs to be at 7.2 on
the pH scale to achieve a perfect state of balance and health. An acidic state
below 7.2 may result in many health risks and complications.
A human body needs to be at 7.2 on
the pH scale to achieve a perfect state of balance and health. An acidic state
below 7.2 may result in many health risks and complications.
Bottled water companies harvest
water from scarce ground sources. In many cases, the water is still filled with
harmful pollutants and contaminants, not to mention that most plastic bottles
are not recyclable and are choking our Earth.
Nature’s way of purifying water that
falls into the ground is long and tedious as it seeps and trickles along the
Earth’s layers of natural rocks and soil. It is then slowly filtered and
infused with health enhancing minerals and when it bursts to the surface in the
form of a mountain spring it is fresh, pure, healthy and delicious. In some
places the water even has alkaline and ionizing properties.
This natural process may take
months, even years, but with it’s unique patented system, Velaqua delivers the
same results in merely a few hours as it recreates the journey similar to
Nature; creating natural mountain spring water in one portable countertop
Velaqua provides natural, pure,
healthy and delicious drinking water with these benefits:
Peace of mind knowing that you are getting the BEST
water available
An affordable system that delivers priceless water for
pennies a glass
It’s portable. You can take it anywhere which also
makes it a survival tool. I bet those people in Oklahoma, Louisiana and
New York that suffered from Hurricanes and Tornadoes wish they had one of
these units to get pure, clean water when there was none to be had.
Uses only gravity and natural minerals without
electricity, plumbing or chemicals… and that is good for the environment
and your wallet!
Velaqua’s proprietary Energy
Infusion Technology fortifies your water with essential rare earth minerals
that produce water with remarkable health benefits:
Super Cellular Hydration thru Micro-Clustered Water-
Assists the body in rebuilding at the micro cellular level… including,
eyes, brain and wrinkles in the skin
Incredible Antioxidant Source – Supports healthy aging
reversing DNA Damage
In uncertain times be
certain about your water!
Over 4 million people worldwide die because of bad water every year.
900,000 people get ill in the United States alone.
Take a moment to check out our very affordable non-electric water
It will work anywhere anytime.
It converts tap water into the best tasting safe drinking water you have ever
For pennies a day!
You Be The Judge!
Velara launches end of September. Check out my Website:
is a very simple water system. About the size of a 5-gallon water
is gravity fed.. no plumbing or electricity... Just pour any water
in... Let filter, then drink ... It's the best tasting water I have ever
had... sweet, mineral rich, alkaline, negative ORP created in a
balanced and natural way... like nature... no electrolysis.
the ceramic disk part of the filter is imbued with an Ionic
charge... It imprints the water with the frequency of a
waterfall. This can be scientifically shown with an Ion
meter... The disk has a reading of over 4,000 ions. We tested
a bunch of energy charged wrist bands and amulets people have been wearing at
the meetings... most read only 4 or 5 on the read
99, the water filter disk imprints the water with a 4,000 ion reading on
the meter... This water will light up your whole body.
it tastes great!
is nothing like this anywhere on the market.... it's priceless
retail... cost $299
upfront fast start every time you refer one to someone else. (Drop Shipped to
addition: $120 is paid on the $200 wholesale price on the back end.
Total payout $220 on
a $300 sale...
Best water! Best price! Best
commissions! Best value!
It will serve water worldwide...everyone can afford it...needs it, and can make
a living on the upfront and back-end pay-plan... This is for the
For more information go to:
Be sure to click through the pages.... product info... as well as
the pay plan
Call or email me to find out more.
Bob & Cindy Mills(951)377-1809 Email:
Water is necessary permanently, and taking in ionized water is an extremely beneficial action for health maintenance. Nonetheless, all water is not the exact same, and there is water that you could drink and obtain even more profit from as compared to other sorts of water. One instance of strongly valuable water is the micro-clustered ionized water, or the organized ionized water as is known in some circles. In order to comprehend the advantages of the organized ionized water, it is necessary to know what this water is, and just how various it is from the typical faucet water.
Let's watch this brief video clip to get the suggestion exactly what is the micro-clustered water and why it's various from faucet water and bottled water.
Micro-clustered ionized water benefits to the human body
The pointing out that "water is life" is a real claiming because consuming water is critical for the survival of the human being, along with for various other biological processes that are important in the body. Nonetheless, when you drink water that is extremely bunched up, you will not experience these advantages as you should certainly, and you, consequently, should consume micro gathered or ionized water. The benefits of micro-clustered ionized water feature:.
- It is strongly efficient in improving an individual's hydration.
- It makes a personal to acquire a lot of power and also enhancing mental clarity.
- It helps in maintaining the reliability of DNA, given that it contains little collections of water.
- Cells communicate with each other through the aid of water, and this water will certainly improve the interaction and result in faster recovery and body repair works.
- Water is extremely crucial in the transport of oxygen and various other nutrients in the physical body, and this water makes the process to be much a lot faster and a lot more efficient.
- This water is very important in the internal cleansing of the physical body, and as a result, removes all the contaminants in the physical body and advertises good health.
- The alkaline ionized water is great for nutritional supplement and when taking medication, this is a great top quality due to the fact that it works hand in hand with the medication in order to deliver the recovery or alleviation that is meant.
The micro-clustered water or structured ionized water homes are substantial ionized water benefits. Not everybody understands that but those that do could use this terrific present of attributes.
Velaqua is a patent-pending water enrichment technology
which naturally transforms the qualities of tap and bottled waters. The Velaqua
stand-alone unit comes with WQA Gold Seal and NSF approved filter system.
* No Electricity* No Chlorine * No Wasted Water * No Plumbing
* No Pollution
Micro-Clustered Ionized Water
Antioxidant Source Produces a Negative ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential)
water ph up to 9.5
Keep you Hydrated
for Cooking
for Pets
in Weight Loss
Take it Anywhere!
*Office * Camping * On The Road * Home * College Dorm Room * Disaster
What is VELAQUA?
state-of-the-art countertop water processor that brings you clean,
mineral-rich, antioxidant-rich pH balanced alkaline water. Your body’s natural
pH balance is slightly alkaline, and drinking water that has been processed with
VELAQUA will help flush toxins and provide antioxidant defense. VELAQUA
produces the smallest super hydrating water molecule cluster that is negatively
charged and allows maximum nutritional absorption and water that has been
processed with VELAQUA has great antioxidant power. This counter-top water
processing system is the ultimate investment in your family’s health.
Many of the foods
you eat, too much stress, and environmental factors can cause your body’s
acidity to rise. This acidic state has been linked to many health-related
challenges and rapid aging. A slightly alkaline body is a healthy body. An
acidic body is an unhealthy body. If the pH in your blood and urine are too
acidic your body will not be able to absorb nutrition. This is one reason so
many individuals have weight gain problems. After eating the nutrition in the
blood cannot be absorbed into the cells therefore one is always hungry
and has no energy.
Since the human body
is over 70% water, alkaline water can help restore your body’s natural pH
balance. VELAQUA not only filters ordinary tap water, it is the only system
that filters, purifies, alkalizes, mineralizes, ionizes and creates
micro-clustered water with high anti-oxidant properties. Plus our own
proprietary Energy Fusion Technology! The water passes through an exclusive
Ceramic disc then through a special Mineral
Cartridge containing scientifically selected minerals. This process is meant to
simulate fresh pure stream water just like Mother Nature has for thousands of
years. The result is premium alkaline - negative charged - water that has a
fresh taste, is naturally soft, and has strong antibacterial protection.
In addition to
making drinking water more alkaline, VELAQUA also adds more antioxidant power
into drinking water. About 90% of many modern health challenges are thought to
be caused by oxidative stress caused by free radicals. Free radicals are
natural byproducts of many biological processes and your body is accustomed to
dealing with free radicals on a daily basis. However, other factors such as
environmental pollution can increase the amount of oxidative stress you are
exposed to, leading to damage to your tissues, cells, and organs.
Free radicals are
molecules with missing electrons. To stabilize their own structures, they
scavenge other healthy cells and elements for electrons, but damage other cells
and molecules in the process. VELAQUA produces an abundance of active hydrogen
that helps stabilize free radicals and neutralize the negative health effects
they can bear upon your body.
VELAQUA produces the
smallest, superhydrating water molecule clusters for maximum absorption. Cells
contain openings called aquaporin channels that allow water to pass through,
carrying in nutrients and oxygen and flushing out toxins. The smaller the water
molecule clusters, the easier it is for water to enter and exit the cell so
that cells—and entire organs—can function more efficiently. Many home
water-processing systems in the market today use electricity to create alkaline
water. VELAQUA simulates fresh-flowing stream water that has accumulated
minerals from running over river rocks—without electricity. In just minutes,
you can have clean, fresh-tasting water with the smallest, super hydrating
water molecule clusters, high alkalinity, and reduced oxidation right in your
very home. You’ll also be saving the environment because you’ll be wasting less
money on bottled water. Good hydration on a daily basis is extremely important
for energy, proper brain function, flushing toxins, keeping you healthy and
helping fiber eliminate waste from your body. With VELAQUA you can get good,
quality pH balanced alkaline water that tastes great, and is good for your
health and longevity. Think about this -
why "die" (so to speak) at 40 and then get buried at 80?
FDA disclaimer
These statements have not been
evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not Intended to
diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.