Thursday, August 29, 2013



La base total de la buena salud comienza con solo una cosa - un sistema inmune completamente funcional y balanceado.
Velumina contiene 7 ingredientes naturales y poderosos que trabajan sinérgicamente para ayudar a restaurar nuestro sistema inmune debilitado y a manenerlo en el nivel óptimo, que da lugar a que todos nuestros órganos funcionen en un estado sano y equilibrado. Esto también se conoce como el estado del homeostasis.
Velumina es el suplemento perfecto para ayudarnos a logra la salud perfecta.


¿Entonces cómo es que los 7 ingredientes de Velumina trabajan sinérgicamente en nuestro cuerpo?
1. Súper Calostro (SC)
Velumina contiene el súper calostro, una forma enriquecida de calostro que contiene tanto como un 14% de poli péptidos ricos de Priline (PRPs) mientras que el calostro regular contiene solamente del 1% al 3% de este péptido importante.
El calsotro es pre-leche producida por todos los mamíferos directamente después del nacimiento para su recién nacido. El calostro provee a todos los mamíferos recién nacidos con los factores inmunes vitales tales como inmunoglobulinas, poli péptidos, lactoferrin y Proline ricos, factores del crecimiento, vitaminas y minerales para asegurar la salud y la supervivencia de todos los recién nacidos, haciendo del calostro el primersúper alimento de la naturaleza.
El ingrediente real del milagro en calostro es el PRPs. Estos péptidos modulan, balancean, regulan e inician indirectamente la mayor parte de los procesos bioquímicos en mamíferos.
Se consideran las sustancias naturales más significativas del cuerpo con relación al sistema inmune.
Los estudios clínicos han probado que el PRPs:
  • Realza el sistema inmune de baja actividad
  • Ayuda al equilibrio de una sistema inmune sobre-activo que causa enfermedades autoinmunes, una condición en la cual el cuerpo se ataca a sí mismo.
Existen más de 2,000 estudios clínicos que demuestran que el calostro:
  • Ayuda a acelerar el proceso de sanación de todos los tejidos del cuerpo
  • Ayuda al aumento del desarrollo de los músculos.
  • Apoya la Cognición Saludable
2. Inulina (Fibra Achicoria)
En un mundo lleno de productos de alimentos ricos, procesados y azúcares, nuestro sistema no puede digerir bien y eliminar los desechos tóxicos. Por consiguiente ellos quedan atrapados en nuestro sistema digestivo, lo que ha menudo es principio de muchas complicaciones de salud.
La Inulina es la fibra de achicoria natural, con propiedades prebióticas que ayudan a estimular el crecimiento de bacterias beneficiosas en nuestro sistema para ayudar con eficacia a eliminar estos desechos tóxicos.
Una de muchas ventajas de Súper Colostro es la capacidad de promover un sistema digestivo saludables para eliminar la bacteria mala. Esta capacidad es aún más enriquecida por la presencia de Inulin en Velumina que sirve como una fuente de alimentos para la bacteria beneficiosa en el colon.
Un sistema digestivo saludable es esencial para un sistema inmunológico fuerte.
3. Extracto de Yerba Mate
Durante mochos siglos, la gente en sudamérica no ha disfrutado de los efectos de rejuvenecimiento de la yerba mate. Actualmente se está convirtiendo en el ingrediente por elección debido a abundancia de antioxidantes, aminoácidos, vitaminas y minerales.
A menudo elaborado en un té, Yerba Mate seguramente ha sido consumida para ayudar estimular la claridad mental aumentando la energía física.
4-5. Baya del saúco y polvo de Arándano
Ambas bayas del saúco y Arándanos se han reconocido por ser una gran fuente de recursos de antioxidantes.
Además de tener propiedades de antioxidante, estos dos ingredientes también mejoran el sabor de Velumina.
6. D-ribose
Una sustancia nuritiva vital que apoya la salud del corazón y también ayuda a aumentar la energía y al funcionamiento.
7. Panax Ginseng (Coreano)
Las raíces de la planta han sido usadas durante siglos como un componente de Medicina Tradicional china (TCM). Entre las aplicaciones del TCM, Panax, el Ginseng a menudo es usado por su capacidad de realzar la memoria y las funciones cognitivas. Algunos usan el Panax Ginseng para ayudar con la tensión y como un suplemento general para aumentar la resistencia física (incluyendo mejorar el libido).

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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Discover Just How Alkaline Water Adds to Overall Wellness | Velara Global Velaqua Water System

Discover just how alkaline water adds to overall wellness

Maintaining a somewhat alkaline physical body pH is important for optimum health and wellness. Apart from following my four steps to producing a slightly alkaline pH and consuming an alkaline diet regimen, there is another impressive means to increase your pH level-- by consuming alkaline water.

Water generally has a neutral pH, suggesting it contains no acidic or alkaline homes. Water-alkalinizing tools can increase or decrease the pH of water by actually redistributing the quantity of minerals naturally located in water.

What Effects Does Alkaline Water Have in the Physical body?

Among the greatest benefits of alkaline water is its capability to delicately raise the pH of your cells and tissues and to reduce the effects of acids in your body. Nonetheless, it doesn't finish there!

Consuming the alkaline water lessens your risk of osteoporosis, heartburn, and numerous various other problems induced by excess acidity. Likewise, during electrolysis, alkaline water obtains a considerable number of electrons (negatively charged bits). It has the ability to donate these electrons to the devastating free of cost radicals in your physical body, thus blocking the oxidation (or malfunction) of healthy and balanced tissue. Basically, alkaline water comes to be a super-antioxidant, assisting to prevent cell damage and making you much less prone to disease.

Moreover, the electrolysis process minimizes the collection dimension of water, meaning there are much less hydrogen and air atoms in a solitary molecule of water. This permits your physical body to even more conveniently take in the high pH water, raising its ability to moisten, in addition to alkalinize your cells and cells.

The amount of Alkaline Water Should I Beverage?

To get these amazing benefits, I recommend drinking 4 to six 8-ounce glasses of alkaline water each day. For ideal outcomes, make certain the water's pH is in between 9 and 9.5. Numerous suppliers provide solution that allows you to test the water's pH.

How To Make Affordable Alkaline Water! 

Water Enrichment System

At Velara, we created Velaqua so that everyone can enjoy fresh, healthy, natural drinking water without spending a small fortune. Velaqua is our revolutionary portable water enrichment system that duplicates nature’s water purification and filtration process using gravity instead of electricity, chemicals or other artificial methods.

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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

VELUMINA (Colostrum) | NATURE’S GIFT TO A NEW LIFE | Velara Global


Velara Global

Velumina was created to provide a natural supplement that brings your body into a balanced state which is also known as homeostasis.

Because of the rigors experienced as a part of everyday life, our bodies fall out of balance, immunity decreases, we age faster, and become more prone to disease.  The synergistic ingredients contained in 
Velumina have been clinically proven to bring our bodies back into a state of balance.

Velumina is a proprietary blend of synergistic superfoods that are safe and effective for the whole family.
Studies conducted on the ingredients of Velumina have been shown to help provide:
• Complete Nutrition for Body and Mind
• Homeostasis (State Of Balance)
• Increased Immune Protection
• Anti-Aging Properties
• Lean Muscle Growth
• Increased Metabolism (Fat Burning)
• Cardiovascular Health
• Enhanced Mental Clarity
• Improved Stamina and Endurance
• Elevated Prebiotic Activity

Combined with the alkaline water from Velaqua, the powerful nutrients in Velumina create a delicious beverage that delivers a synergistic blend, which ensures increased immunity, energy, and vitality.

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Velara Velaqua Alkaline Water Purification Systems | Velumina (Colostrum) NATURE’S GIFT TO A NEW LIFE

Velara Velaqua  Alkaline Water Purification Systems | Velumina  (Colostrum) NATURE’S GIFT TO A NEW LIFE

Q. How does Velaqua water taste?
  • A.Most agree that Velaqua tastes better than bottled water or water produced by other systems. Velaqua uses only natural ingredients to filter, purify and mineralize its water. Velaqua uses organic coconut fiber carbon, instead of charcoal, which leaves the water with a delicious, sweet and smooth taste!
Q.Velaqua generates water that is about 9.0± pH. Should water be this alkaline?
  • A.The pH has been very carefully determined and is naturally alkaline. There is a systemic struggle in the body between acidity and true pH balance of 7.2. Invariably acid has the upper hand in most people. Until our acidic body returns to a balanced state, the water’s pH should remain high to help the body alkalize itself to a normal pH of 7.2 quicker. Being in an acid state (lower than 7.2) may lead to many health risks and complications.
Q. How many glasses of Velaqua water should I drink every day?
  • A.Many experts recommend drinking at least half your weight in ounces daily.
Q. Can I cook using Velaqua water?
  • A.Absolutely. Alkaline water is recommended for all uses. Most people agree that fruits and vegetables washed in Velaqua taste much better!
Q. Velaqua was designed to be synergistic with Velumina. What are the real benefits?
  • A.All great supplements will only function as well as the delivery system that carries them within our body. Alkalized energized water is a great carrier of Velumina’s nutrients and will deliver them more effectively into our cells thereby enhancing its health properties.
Q. How much water will the unit hold?
  • A.The top holding tank has a 1 ½ gallon capacity. The bottom storage tank has a 2 ½ gallon capacity. Collectively, the unit has a 4-gallon capacity.


Inspired by nature - backed by science

Velumina was created to provide a natural supplement that brings your body into a balanced state which is also known as homeostasis.

Because of the rigors experienced as a part of everyday life, our bodies fall out of balance, immunity decreases, we age faster, and become more prone to disease.  The synergistic ingredients contained in Velumina have been clinically proven to bring our bodies back into a state of balance.

Velumina is a proprietary blend of synergistic superfoods that are safe and effective for the whole family.

Studies conducted on the ingredients of Velumina have been shown to help provide:

• Complete Nutrition for Body and Mind
• Homeostasis (State Of Balance)
• Increased Immune Protection
• Anti-Aging Properties
• Lean Muscle Growth
• Increased Metabolism (Fat Burning)
• Cardiovascular Health
• Enhanced Mental Clarity
• Improved Stamina and Endurance
• Elevated Prebiotic Activity

Combined with the alkaline water from Velaqua, the powerful nutrients in Velumina create a delicious beverage that delivers a synergistic blend, which ensures increased immunity, energy, and vitality.

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This is where the journey starts. It’s just the beginning…