Saturday, September 7, 2013

The benefits of hydration - Velara Global - Velaqua Water System

The benefits of hydration

Drinking three to four liters of quality water per day will transform your health Staying ultra-hydrated by drinking 3-4  liters of clean, filtered water per day will dramatically improve the way you think and feel. These are the Top 5 Benefits to staying hydrated!


When we are dehydrated by just 5% most of us will experience a 25-30% loss of energy. And to be honest, I estimate that 90% of us are more than 5% dehydrated. When was the last time you truly drank enough water during the day? And when you did, how good did you feel?! 

When we are dehydrated we get headaches, foggy thinking, fatigue in our mind and our body, mood swings, we overeat, our metabolism grinds to a halt, we underachieve and we lose motivation. 

Water is needed for almost everybody metabolic function - it is simply vital that we stay hydrated. When we are dehydrated our body just cannot do it’s job and our energy and mental state will suffer as a result. 

Fatigue is a hydration problem

If you’re feeling tired drink 2 liters of water over the next 90 minutes and see how you feel then!

Weight Loss! 

Our brain literally does not distinguish between the sensations of thirst and hunger. Both are derived from the same place - low energy levels (linking it to point 1, above). When we experience these low energy levels the sensations of thirst and hunger are generated at the same time, and we instinctively assume that regardless of the driver, both of these sensations are ‘the need to eat’. In other words we eat food even when the body needs water. By staying hydrated we separate these two messages and often eat a lot less - the right amount.

Clear Skin! 

When you start to stay hydrated and consume 3-4 liters of water per day you will also begin to notice some dramatic changes to your skin. Problems such as acne, dryness, eczema, psoriasis and more will start to disappear. Why? When dehydrated, the body preserves the water supply to critical organs, such as the brain and the heart, but “cuts off water” to peripheral organs such as skin. Being hydrated also ensures that your body’s cells are able to function effectively, for nutrient absorption, blood building and circulating and to help the body remove toxins. 

Alkalinity & pH Balance! 

When you drink clean, filtered water with a pH of 9.5+  you will notice that you begin to feel a surge of health, energy and vitality. Our body is designed to be alkaline, maintaining a pH level of approximately 7.365 in our cells, particularly the blood. When we eat and drink too many acid-forming foods and drinks such as colas, sugars, breads, sweets, pizza, chips, alcohol, white rice & pasta, trans-fats, fast food, refined food, sauces & condiments, dairy, meats and more we put our body under an incredible strain to maintain this pH balance at 7.365.By hydrating our body with high pH water we help maintain this alkalinity, flush toxins & acids from the body (such as yeasts/candida and bacteria growths) and our energy and vitality will go through the roof! 

Being over-weight is also an acid problem, so when you start to hydrate & alkalize you will also start to see the weight fall away. Seriously, just by drinking 4 litres of alkaline water per day you will begin to see huge improvements with your weight.


The cause of premature aging is an over acid, dehydrated body.

Aging occurs when we do not dispose of the internally generated wastes and

toxins in our body. This is the process of getting old. Because this accumulation

of waste products inside the body is the aging process, supporting the body to

remove these old, acid wastes is the anti aging process.  Antioxidants are often referred to as a  way to prevent anti-aging because they help to detoxify the body from these wastes - and so drinking alkaline, antioxidant-rich water is a fantastic way to slow and reverse the aging process. When we are hydrated, our cells function optimally, our digestive system works wonderfully and we can remove these aging toxins easily!

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